

Reading the book Drawdown (Hawken, ed., 2017) inspired the creation of this site focussed on taking positive actions to address climate change. Drawdown describes the goal of reducing the concentration of "greenhouse" gases in the atmosphere. Human activity drives the increasing concentration of these naturally occurring trace gases like carbon dioxide, to name the most abundant, and forces the anthropogenic or manmade warming of our planet. Scientists observe this warming as the increasing global average temperature of Earth’s surface, oceans and atmosphere.  Subtitled “The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming,” Drawdown describes 100 solutions, 80 are entrenched ideas that are already having an impact.  The remaining 20 are innovative, exciting but unproven, maybe audacious ideas (the artificial leaf, hydrogen-boron fusion).

We don't have to look far away or into the future to find businesses and organizations embracing actions that lower greenhouse gas emissions, they are present in our local region, in our communities right here in central Virginia.   From renewable energy companies to businesses interested in sustainable materials and building practices, and the many organizations making sustainable food a priority— we are surrounded by solutions being enacted.  The goal of this site is to feature articles that highlight this broad range of activities, and demonstrate that we have the power to lower greenhouse gas concentrations.  Hope is an important intention in this endeavor; hope that solutions journalism can raise awareness and inspire support for these actions.

Welcome to Down for Change.  

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