Video lessons: Drawdown Climate Solutions 101

Video lessons: Drawdown Climate Solutions 101

Down for Change began with a goal of sharing the idea that yes, humans have altered the planet in significant ways that impact our weather and climate, but there are solutions to address this growing climate crisis.

The book Drawdown was an inspiration. Drawdown is that time in the future when carbon dioxide equivalent concentrations (greenhouse gases) begin to decrease in the atmosphere. These conditions will arise through concerted human effort to reduce emissions and increase environmental protection and restoration. It turns out there are many different actions we can take to accomplish this goal.

These ideas were central to the course Climate Swerve. Students were encouraged to find their way into the story using a local frame of reference, writing about solutions taking shape within their own community. Some of their work is featured in the articles on this site.

Many students at the outset of Climate Swerve felt trapped by the doom and gloom view that there is nothing we can do about the climate problem, its too big. Perhaps you have felt that way too? Or maybe you have been lead to believe that climate change isn’t a big deal. There is a need to counter each of these views. The problem is not too big to deal with, but yeah, it is a big deal. We need more and more people to understand what climate solutions look like. The following information can help.

Project Drawdown revamped their outreach and produced another inspiring effort! They now offer a series of short videos; Climate Solutions 101. Together they cover the arc of the book Drawdown, delivering a tighter focus and expanded insight.

Short and dynamic, honest and fact filled, the videos are well done, presented by Dr. Jonathan Foley. You will not always hear this message in the media, a message of hope.

This first one frames the problem. It will expand your understanding of climate change and establish that there is a path— in fact there are many paths— forward. Please check it out, click the link below!

Drawdown Climate Solutions Video: Lesson 1, Setting the Stage

These ideas need to circulate more broadly as we move into a post-Covid world and economic recovery becomes a focus. We all have a role in what happens next. The goal here remains: share climate solution inspiration and get more people down for change.

Cutting Carbon by Hugging Trees: The Cumberland  Forest Project

Cutting Carbon by Hugging Trees: The Cumberland Forest Project